
Our retreat house chapel is a sanctuary of peace.

Our retreat house chapel is a sanctuary of peace.

Good news!

Our beloved Retreat House is open at last!


Who knew it would take a full year to get a new roof and then to repair and paint the damaged drywall? Now at last the work is done. Thank you for your patience. And thank you again to all who responded to our 2022 fundraising appeal.


We look forward to welcoming you back to our retreat house in 2024!


Please note that we have found it necessary to increase our suggested offering–


  • $55.00 per night for a single room
  • $65.00 per night for one person in the double occupancy suite (St. Joseph’s)
  • $110.00 per night for two people in St. Joseph’s


Offerings should be made by cash or check as we are unable to process credit or debit card payments.


Other important updates:


  • If this will be your first retreat here, we request that you obtain a reference from your spiritual director, pastor, or priest ahead of time.
  • If you are feeling ill or experiencing any symptoms in the days leading up to your retreat, please contact us to re-schedule.


To inquire about reservations call (520)455-5595, ext. 1; or email [email protected]

Santa Rita Abbey Retreat House

You shall go out in joy, and be led back in peace;
the mountains and the hills before you shall burst into song,
and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.  Isaiah 55:12

“Retreat” is a strange word to signify something very positive: an opening of the heart to quietude and the opportunity to rest in the mystery of one’s inner longing. We welcome persons of all faiths as well as seekers unsure of what they are looking for.

Santa Rita Abbey’s retreat house is beautiful; its surroundings are themselves a prayer. A vast western sky has things to tell us of God, both day and night. Mountains speak in solidity and reassurance. But we are a monastic place, a place in which the sisters’ simple life, their fidelity to silence, the sacred word, and liturgy lend meaning to the retreatants’ experience.

Our retreatants are free to attend the sisters’ liturgical services from the guest chapel, or choose to enjoy the peace of the Retreat House chapel, their rooms or the majestic outdoors. They know that they have entered a living tradition in which prayer and laughter, welcome and labor run like a current just beneath the days of solitude they have come to enter.

Our retreats are individual and we do not give spiritual counseling or talks. The retreat is an encounter with God.

The retreat house library

The retreat house library

On a practical level, the retreat house offers a small kitchen and dining room, in which the guests prepare their own meals. Basic, simple to prepare foods are provided. Those with particular dietary needs or preferences may bring their own food with them.


The rooms are simply and attractively furnished. The requested stipend is $55 per night for a single room. For St. Joseph’s, the double occupancy suite, we request $65.00 per night for one person, or $110.00 per night for two. Payments should be made by cash or check as we are unable to process credit or debit card payments.


We ask retreatants to arrive before 6:00 in the evening.


To inquire about reservations call (520)455-5595, ext. 1; or email [email protected]

A single occupancy room

A single occupancy room