Reflections on the Gospel

CHAPTER TALK FOR THE FEAST OF ST. BENEDICT Here we are, on the Feast of the glorious Benedict. A giant of a saint in so many ways, and whose Rule we follow. And for whom does he write this Rule? Plain, ordinary human beings – you and me and all who follow it and have followed it over the centuries. In a sense, you can say it is a plain,…

LIVING FROM THE HEART--reflection on Luke 2:41-51 Today is the second of the great “heart” feast days:  yesterday was the Sacred Heart, today, the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  There are many different ways to look at what “heart” means in the context of the scriptures.  It is most often seen as the place where love resides, the seat of our emotions and warmth, as in “I love you with all…

ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD: a reflection on Mark 10:17-27 Today’s young man in the Gospel was quite the person, wasn’t he?! Something tugged at his heart to go beyond, to go deeper. And so he approached this holy man that he had been hearing so much about and inquired of him what he should do now. Jesus certainly recognized the devotion and cast his gaze of love upon…

GLORY: Reflection on John 17:1 “Give glory to your Son that your Son may glorify you.” Glory. Who doesn’t want glory? But, as we all know, there’s glory and there’s Glory. Two very different paths to travel in this world, and choosing the true path will determine our happiness. There’s the idea of glory that we humans have that is shiny, and full of all that glitters. We succeed, we…

JUBILEE Jubilee. What does it mean when we say that word? Just what are we celebrating today? Let’s look at the word itself. Jubilee derives from the Latin jubilare, to shout with joy. Going back even farther in time, it comes from the Hebrew word, yobhel “jubilee”, formerly a trumpet made from a ram’s horn. The original jubilee was a year of emancipation of slaves and restoration of lands, and…