November 22, 2013
Dear Friends,
We are having a (sort of) rainy day. Can you imagine. Our climate, when it’s normal, does provide winter rains. The only trouble is that it hasn’t been normal for over a dozen years.
Do pray for the backbone of the Environmental Protection Agency. The proposed Rosemont Mine, which would be an environmental disaster, needs a permission regarding the Clean Water Act, and the EPA has come down hard on withholding that. Keep praying that this holds strong, and our air, water, roads, natural beauty, and silence will no longer remain threatened—not to mention the tourist industry on which our local economy is based.
Our Sister Cathy, who has been with us six or seven years, had a home visit to Korea after her Solemn Profession, and was able to assist her mom in moving house. The visit was only a month, but we missed her so much, it seemed like a year. She is a real little beam of light in the community, not to mention her iconographic talents. We are so blessed with the international character of our community.
The carpet in our chapel, which is showing its age, has to be replaced. We had a vote over the color, and as usual came out 5-5. Well, actually it was 5-4, with one maverick, but the 4 color is close to the 5 color (“Cracked Corn”), so one can hardly get into a state of fidgets over it. The color is warm and blends beautifully with the mesquite of the altar furnishings. We will be worshipping in a whole new world. Of course, the unforgettable element of the chapel is what you see out the window. God made the “stained glass.”
I noticed this morning that the chalice and paten being used today also blends beautifully with our altar furnishings.