The Sisters of Santa Rita Abbey
3:15-4:00 a.m. The Office of Vigils
4:00 - 7:00 Interval for Private Prayer, Lectio Divina and Breakfast
7:00-7:30 The Office of Lauds
Retreatants in the guest chapel
7:30-8:00 Eucharist
8:00 Chapter
8:30-11:15 Morning Work
Preparing the noon meal
Cistercian Altar Breads: mixing the batter
Baking altar breads
9:30 a.m. The Office of Tierce at work
Sorting cut altar breads
11:15-12:00 noon Interval
12:00 p.m. Midday Prayer
12:15 Dinner
12:45-1:35 Interval
1:45-3:45 Afternoon Work
3:45-5:20 Interval
5:20-5:40 The Office of Vespers
Eucharist Adoration on Sundays
6:00 p.m.The Office of Compline