March 25, 2020: Our Postulant Becomes a Novice
At our community chapter on March 25, the feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, we had the joy of clothing our postulant Sharon in the novice’s habit. The simple ceremony took place between the 7:00 a.m. Office of Lauds and our 8:00 a.m. Scripture and Communion Service. (Yes, like the rest of the world, we cannot attend Mass right now, since our would-be chaplain must stay home.)
Postulant Sharon has lived in our community for a year, sharing in our daily round of prayer, lectio divina, and work, and studying the Rule of St. Benedict and other monastic topics with Sr. Rita. As a novice, she continues her studies and enters more deeply into our community life. The novitiate last for two years and prepares the novice for first vows. Please keep Sr. Sharon in your prayers!
Mother Vicki’s chapter talk: M. Vicki’s Chapter Talk
Mother Vicki’s reflection for the feast of the Annunciation: The Annunciation