October, November and Advent 2019 News Update from Santa Rita Abbey
Highlights from October, November, and the Season of Advent at our monastery of Santa Rita
Our annual private community retreat this year was held October 13-19. Our retreat master was Dom Eric Varden, abbot of Mt. St. Bernard’s Abbey in England. Fr. Eric offered Mass for us each morning, and gave two retreat conferences each day. His talks were explorations and meditations on Genesis 1-3. We found them very enriching. That’s Fr. Eric with us in our community photo above, and below, at Mass.
We were delighted to have our friend Fr. Joe Corpora spend three weeks with us. What a joy to have Mass every day! He shared in our Thanksgiving Day celebration, too.
Two women participated in our residential volunteer program this year. Angela stayed six months, May to November, while Cristie came for several weeks in late fall. Both were a great blessing to our community. In the photos below that’s Angela with our Sr. Miriam in their “twin” shirts (they just happened to have the same design!), and Cristie with a friend who came to visit while she was here. Thank you, Angela and Cristie for your generous hearts and willing hands!
Fr. Joe was still with us for the first few days of Advent. Fr. Eddie joined us for the 2nd Sunday of Advent and for the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.
The Advent liturgy, both the Eucharist and the Divine Office, is so beautiful. We wish we could share it all with you! The highlight for us is the singing of the ancient “O antiphons” from December 17-23. Maybe next year we’ll have an audio recording of them to share with you.
We pray that these weeks of Advent will be full of grace for you and for our whole world. “O Emmanuel, King and Giver of the law, the One for whom all the nations long, our Savior and our Redeemer: O COME! Come to free us, come to save us, for you alone are Lord and God!”