A Reflection on the Gospel for the 4th Sunday in OT, Yr B
Mark 1:21-28
The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not at the scribes. (Mark 1:22)
Jesus’ authority. Let’s look at it for a moment. How would you describe authority? Is it something you put on like a sweater, something external that you exercise? Or is it something inherent, something so deep that it is a part of who you are?
In the first reading today, Moses became the mouthpiece of God for the people. He spoke what he was given by God. In other words, a prophet. In this passing on of the word of God by word and example, lies his authority. Jesus is the fulfilment of the words of Deuteronomy, “I will raise up a prophet like you and will put my words in his mouth.” Jesus, as John has said, is the Word spoken by the Father for all ages. He is God in human flesh. His authority is his person, the second Person of the Trinity in our human form. As he has said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”
To what can your authority be likened, Jesus? All we need do is look at how you lived, what you taught, how you brought us the Kingdom of God in your very person. Your authority was to open to us in your person and in your words, the way of living that the Father has ordained for us as his children. The truth of our deepest sacredness in you and what that looks like in daily living. And the life – drawing our deepest purpose, our reason for being, in the living waters of your presence and pouring them out upon our world.
Jesus, your authority was ultimately love that expressed itself in care, respect, and laying aside selfish pursuits to make visible the Kingdom of God, your very person. You lived human life to the full in joy, in your interactions and relationships with us. You showed us the greatness of being truly human, living by the Spirit. You invite us to walk this planet connected: with God, with others, with creation. To live life in your Kingdom to the full. To be your smile, your compassion, your helping hand, your kind word. And may we all sing joyfully to you in lives that are given – to you and to one another.