Advent and Christmas 2021-22 at Santa Rita Abbey

Advent and Christmas 2021-22 at Santa Rita Abbey

It’s been a long time since our last journal entry! First we’ll sum up the year 2021 by expressing our gratitude to God for his providential care throughout all the challenges (blessings in disguise) which came our way, mostly in the form of the health of our sisters (not Covid-related). At the same time we are grateful to you, our many friends and benefactors, for your support throughout the year. Thank you and God bless you!

In 2020 Covid-19 greatly reduced our altar bread bakery income. Happily, in 2021, as parishes gradually opened back up during the course of the year, our parish customers began placing new orders for our Cistercian Altar Breads, and we Sisters got busy again baking, cutting, bagging and boxing our whole wheat altar breads. We’ve even acquired some new parishes, too. Thank you, customers old and new, for enabling us to earn our living by the work of our hands. It is our joy to bake to bread which is used at the Eucharist, where it becomes the Body of Christ, the Bread of Life, to nourish the people of God. By purchasing our altar breads, you support the contemplative monastic vocation in the Church, our life of prayer and simple work lived in community–lived not just for ourselves, but for the good of the entire Church and the world.

Sr. Rita and Fr. Thomas

Dcn Henderson, Fr. Thomas, Bp. Kicanas, and Bp. Weisenburger

We were delighted to have Fr. Thomas Davis, OCSO, monk of Our Lady of New Clairvaux, as our chaplain for all of Advent and Christmas. One of the advantages of living in a monastic enclosure is that we are spared the commercial craziness that leads up to Christmas and can focus on the true meaning of these liturgical seasons. The readings from the Prophet Isaiah at the Divine Office and the Eucharist are so beautiful, and the “O antiphons” sung at Vespers Dec 17 – 23! Fr. Thomas’ insightful homilies throughout the season, invited us to enter more deeply into the mysteries of the Incarnation. On Christmas morning we welcomed four special guests: Bishop Edward Weisenburger, Bishop Emeritus Gerald Kicanas, Sr. Lois Paha, OP, and Bro. Silas Henderson, SDS, all from our Tucson diocese. With Bishop Weisenburger presiding, they celebrated a 10:30 a.m. Mass with our community; afterwards we all enjoyed Christmas dinner in the refectory.

We hold you and all the world in our prayer as we enter this new year of 2022 together. May it be full of the blessings of good health for the entire human family, and of unity and peace in our beloved Church! And may you know the tender and merciful love God has for you each and every day of 2022 and for ever.

Stay tuned for more news: 2022 will be a year of milestone anniversaries for our monastery of Santa Rita and for two of our beloved Sisters!