June 21, 2020: A Reflection for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A
Matthew 10:26-33
So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. (Matthew 10:31)
Here we are again, Jesus, dealing with fear. You approach it from so many angles. Today, it is “Fear no one.” Other times it is, “Do not be afraid” and “Do not live in fear.” You know how our fear can be triggered by so many unpredictable and scary things. And today you take it up again. “Do not be afraid,” you say. And the best thing of all is that you don’t just leave us hanging with a command but no direction. You once again remind us that we are not alone, even when bad and frightening things happen to us or surround us. You are there, Good Shepherd, with your rod and your staff to lead us. In other words, Jesus, you show us you care and that nothing can happen to us that is outside that loving care. You accompany us with your love and tender mercy.
Once more you invite us to trust you, to enter into the vulnerability that a relationship of love is by definition. To place the locus of our trust in you. To let go into your loving Providence and yield ourselves to you.
It is not so easy for us, Jesus. But give us what we need to be “IN love” with you as you are with us. You tell us that perfect love casts out fear. Please give us the love, trust and letting go that will move us into the deepest recesses of our being where you live and where you call us forth each minute to relate to the world from. Send your Spirit to free us from the shackles that fear can bind around us and open us wide to trust you in all the circumstances of our life.
Walk with us today and always, Jesus. And give us the joy of living from your Kingdom, your gift to us to be shared with all creation.