May 3, 2020: A Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year A
John 10:1-10
I came that they may have life and have it more abundantly. (John 10:10)
Jesus, Good Shepherd, you know each of us by name. You know us better than we know ourselves. And for each one of us you have given a particular name that crystallizes who we really are and who you have called us to be. The name symbolized by the white stone in Revelation (Rev 2:17) is for us a new name, but for you, it is our essence and our call. And it seems that our essence is life, life given in abundance as a flowing stream at the center of our being where we come forth from your creative love.
Good Shepherd Jesus, your life in us gives us our deepest identity. Who we really are is not a matter of coming up with an identity that WE fabricate but one which we receive by our following, yielding to the life to which you invite us and which each one lives in her or his own way. It is futile to try to squeeze out who we think we are as a way of “being myself.” There is no life in that, least of all the life which you promise in abundance, because it springs more from our ego and can’t connect us to the Source. But once we hear your voice and follow you, we become the person you made us to be. We are truly ourselves because we live from our center where we come forth from your creative love at every moment. It is the Shepherd’s love that calls to our depths and whose voice we know and follow.
Perk up our ears to the sound of your voice and with your rod and your staff, lead us to the pastures of abundant life. Encourage us when we think the pasture is a little too dry and the way becomes tiresome. We are just little sheep, kind shepherd, so please carry the weakest and the lost. Bring us to the safety of letting go into wherever and whatever you know we most need. You came that we may have life and may we say “yes” to it this day and always.