Advent Wreath Candle Blessing 2019: 1st Sunday
November 30, 2019: Eve of the First Sunday of Advent
Who could have thought it? God bursting forth into our world as a human, one of US! Yet, here we are again, about to be immersed in the journey into the all-embracing love and mercy of God pouring itself out into hearts barely awake to their incredible destiny as a beloved child of God. At the end of our Advent journey, a little child shall be born for us and given to us in an ever-deeper way. How can we open our depths for God to prepare a way in the desert places of our hearts to walk in ways of love and service, how yield to the working of God the rough paths in us that cry out for God’s tender love and healing? Each candle we light on our wreath during this Advent season will burn as a beacon to light the way in which we may offer ourselves. O come, Emmanuel, God-with-us, take our hand and show us how to let a little child, Jesus, lead us.
This evening, we light the first candle. May we yield our depths to this flame which we shall call a Quiet Heart. A still heart full of trust in God, in his love, care and tenderness. “Like a child on its mother’s breast” may we place all our cares, concerns, worries and pain in God’s heart. A heart big enough to carry it for us. Leave it there and rest in a love tender and strong. Let it enfold us until our heart and the Heart of God become one. May the candle of a Quiet Heart burn brightly for us this first week of Advent and cast its light to show the way into God’s immense love.